Friday, 22 January 2016

The Success of Mr Chips & Living with FIV

Meet Mr Chips!  He came into rescue as he was living rough in a back garden for over two years.  It took nearly 6 months to catch him as he was so nervous!  During that time Cats Protection supported the family feeding him, by giving them food to keep him going.

Once we had caught him, we took him to the vets where a blood test found him FIV positive along with a mouthful of bad teeth and coat full of knots—bless him.   
It was a blow for him to be diagnosed with FIV but that did not mean we could not help him back to health and find him a home.

So the dear boy was neutered (more complicated as his testicals had not descended), full dental make-over and a de-matting (as he was really badly matted, he did recieve quite a harsh haircut!)   All the medical treatment  went very well and we hoped someone might offer him a home and after not too long, he caught the attention of a very nice lady and he has now moved into his wonderful new forever home.

Since moving into his new home, he has come on in leaps and bounds.  He now enjoys cuddles, sitting on laps and strokes and even likes to lick his new owner!

We are so happy that this lovely fella has found a new forever home.  All too often, cats with FIV are overlooked and perhaps it is because people are unsure and afraid of the unknown.  

While there is no cure for FIV, when symptoms arise, they can usually be treated with drugs.
FIV cats cannot mix with cats who do not have the virus so they usually have to be only cats living indoors.  Partly this is to stop the spread but also to protect the FIV kitty from secondary infections
That said, FIV positive cats can live long, happy and healthy lives and we are sure the wonderful Mr Chips will too!  You can find out more about FIV here

Friday, 8 January 2016

Peter - The cat that started my obsession

I can’t really remember a time when I was not besotted by animals.  I was obsessed with elephants as a child, with orangutans as a teenager and now?  Well I love all animals but I adore cats in particular and I guess I always have.

My grandmother had a beautiful, friendly tabby called Tiger who I used to love to visit.  When I was about 10 years old Tiger had a litter of kittens and after much begging, I got my mum and dad to agree to let me have one.  I picked a beautiful tabby boy and called him Peter. 

My Peter - such a handsome boy

At the time, we had no other pets at home and Peter became my best friend.  Peter and I would hang out together all the time and he loved to sleep on my pillow, wrapped around my head.  I used to pop him in my dolly pram and he would happily be pushed around the house or garden, he was such a sociable boy!  He was also an incredibly affectionate cat, and when he was particularly happy he would knead away and dribble like mad!  After a few months Mum and Dad adopted a Springer Spaniel puppy which we called Penny.  The first meeting of Peter and Penny was an exciting time but it didn’t go as planned.  Peter was really not impressed with the bouncy puppy and decided to show his distaste by scratching her on the nose and giving her a big hiss!  As much as I adored the new puppy I was mega-protective of my best friend Peter and I bundled him up into my arms and took him off to my bedroom where we consoled each other with a good old snuggle.  Anyway, after a few more supervised interactions they got used to each other and over the next few months they became the best of friends.  They would play together, eat together and sleep together – it was adorable.  Peter was very loyal though and I like to think he was still my best friend.

Peter and I had many, many happy years together and I would rush home from school to see my beautiful boy but one terrible night Peter went out for his usual evening stroll and he never came home, I was devastated.  We put up posters and knocked on doors but nobody had seen him.

After months of living in hope, we had to accept that we might never see him again.  This was before the days of microchips so I like to think that he wandered off and maybe found a new wonderful home somewhere else, but we will never know.

I know this is a bit of a sad story but I have such wonderful memories of him and I am grateful to him for the years of companionship and I completely owe him for my cat obsession!

I’d love to hear your memories of the cats that started your love for cats/cat obsession….

Melly Boy - Slightly resembles Peter I think!