Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Kitty Cat Websites - The Best Time Wasters

It is often said that cats rule the internet, and I can’t argue with that.  One of the most pleasurable parts of my volunteer work as Publicity Officer is “research”.  Basically, that means I spend hours on the internet watching funny cats, cooing over cute cats and crying at sad cats.

Here is my low-down on some of the best (and maybe most random) cat related websites.
Take a look – they will have you hooked!

Cat Flakes – This is a really silly site but is, quite frankly, mesmerising!  You can use the control buttons to change the speed, direction and colour of the cat flakes - http://purrpurr.org/catflakes/


Grumpy Cat – You have probably seen or heard of Grumpy Cat (real name Tadar Sauce)… she is the world’s grumpiest cat and her blog is an amusing read!

Des Hommes et des Chatons – One for the ladies!  This ingenious French team pair up some gorgeous cats with some not too bad gentlemen!  I bet this will have you purrrrrring!  http://deshommesetdeschatons.tumblr.com/

My cat is a dick – I hope you are not offended by the title of this page because it is a really funny photo chronicle of the household destruction caused by cats

Cats Protection – This fabulous site is packed full of useful information and advice, cat related fun for the kids, and has a great gift and pet shop – really, you should check it out, it is awesome!

I hope you enjoy these!  No responsibility can be taken for lack of work/housework or any other chores due to the time-wasting nature of this blog